Crystal Singing Bowls

Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls are crafted of silica sand. Silica sand is quartz that, over time, through the work of water and wind, has been broken down into tiny granules. To create a bowl, silica sand is dropped into a spinning mold, torched to several thousand degrees, and turned from crystalline to glass.

The average human body holds approximately seven grams of silica, a quantity that far exceeds other important minerals such as iron. When crystal singing bowls are played, it is through resonance that the silica in the bowls communicates with the silica in our bodies. Additionally, each bowl is tuned to a different note. Again, through resonance, the different notes align with their corresponding chakra and, if that energy center is a bit off, pulls it back into alignment.

The sound waves produced by crystal singing bowls are sine wave. These are smooth, rolling, repetitive waves that facilitate relaxation and gently invite alpha and theta states of consciousness. The effect is amplified as the tones of the bowls stretch out in prolong reverberation and multiplied when several bowls are played together.

Crystal Sing Bowls are an expansive journey. The tones stretch...and you open...and boundaries dissipate. The bowls are struck, rimmed, layered, then chimed as the journey moves from mellow, to complex, to profound.

Below is an illustration of the relationship between a circle and a sine wave.

In the 1980s, use of crystal singing bowls as a healing modality sprang from a happy accident involving quartz crucibles used in the semiconductor industry. Skip back to 1700s and we see glasses used as a common form of musical entertainment. Benjamin Franklin expanded upon this by creating The Glass Armonica in 1761.

Today, artists such as Yatri use glass armonica reproductions to create ethereal harmonics.